Well, That was fast!

Right after posting that the email server was down, the issue was resolved. 

you can try it out by sending an email to contact@motherofpurl.net. 

Then we will really see, eh?

My vision for motherofpurl is to create custom orders, what is available in the sho at present, is not everything I have ever made, and are suggestions of what I can do, of course, you can order any of those items, but I am most interested in collaborating creatively with people who want clothing designed for them. mostly because, I start knitting, and then I say, "how can I possibly sell this? I love it too much!" I feel it will be much easier for me to let go of lovely knitted items that are live butter in my hands if I create them especially for you. therefore- please try out the email, and start working with me today! or just say hey. hey is fine too. 

Lauren McElroyComment