Knitting and the Internet Presence
Hey all!
It's been a while.
I am still knitting, Can't stop really.
Though, as the 2017 year has come to a close, and we are well into January, I am beginning to think about my internet presence.
My website, beautiful, still not really an up to date representation of what I am working on, all the new techniques I've learned, yummy color ways, and fun finished objects abound over here- though you wouldn't know it from this website!
The main reasons I do hand work, knitting, spinning, sewing, weaving what have you- is becauseI believe in a world where these skills are needed and valued accordingly. I believe in a world of slow fashion, of quality clothing that has a positive impact on this planet. instead of the current paradigm of cheap, fast, made by child/slave labor clothing that is not intended to be mended and is made out of plastic. (don't get me started!)
The Internet presence allows me to connect with like minded people all over the globe, and to build online community with people who also appreciate the fiber arts. I love love love that about having a website and social media.
Therefore I am questioning whether this website/internet presence in general is at odds with my mission, or helping me to advance it into further corners of the world. Stay tuned. you'll find out sooner of later if this website suddenly disappears!
A lot of us have dreamed of making a living doing what we love, and I know some of us actually do. teach me your ways!
opinions are welcome as I venture into making this decision for the next step of my business and heart's work.
Some Brioche, that eventually got frogged.